WP Customer Reviews – Move an existing review to another page

This plugin can be used on more than one page, and can be used on posts.

To separate existing reviews on the same page (example ?p=3) into multiple pages (?p=7 and ?p=10), where number after ?p= is your page_id number.

By default WordPress uses web URLs which have question marks and lots of numbers in them; however, WordPress offers you the ability to create a custom URL structure for your permalinks and archives. To get your page_id for a specific page, just click on Get Shortlink on your page and the number after ?p= is your page_id number.
Make sure you have WP Customer Reviews Enabled for the page you want to add the reviews to. In this case it would be (page_id or ?p=7 and ?p=10).

Using phpMyAdmin choose your database and click on a table wp_wpcreviews within your database. Click on SQL (top) and in the white box RUN SQL query type:
SELECT * FROM wp_wpcreviews and then click GO.
It will bring you to wp_wpcreviews table with columns such as ID, date_time, reviewer_name, reviewer_email. Click on the Edit (pencil) on the review you’d like to change and the last column (value) is the one where you want to change your page number. Find the column with the page_id and the value for this review. In this case it is showing number 3 (see the above example ?p=3) and change the value to either 7 or 10, depending on which page you need to move the review to and click GO.
After refreshing your page the reviews should show up on the right pages.

You can change other values as well, for example the submission date: WP Customer Reviews-change date on review

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